Book Review
This is a review of “Healing Yoga” by Aventuras DeViaje
The title of this book caught my attention, so I offered to do a review. A free PDf was sent to my email and I see that it is part of a series – this book is ‘to help alleviate and cure over 50 specific conditions’. My personal experience with yoga has been very positive over the last five years. I have gotten so much out of my time on the mat: physically, artistically, intuitively- total body wellness for sure, I feel qualified to give you my impression.
The art in this book is lovely, from the inviting cover art to the nicely hand drawn figures used to show you the body postures. The first few paragraphs give you instruction on breath work, your senses, mantra, and body scan. I especially like the body scan; this activity is priceless in its self.
Book review by Wellness Warrior: Tricia Gunberg
This mini how-to book of 102 pages, lists basic yoga postures that will alleviate ailments. The author notes that although these are ‘basic’ poses you could find them challenging. Indeed, I do find several of the poses challenging, even after 5 years of practice. No indication is given on how long you need to practice the poses or if anyone has had success in alleviating ailments. From personal experience and energetically, the poses given for Arthritis and Asthma make perfect sense to me.
I was surprised that the poses suggested for backache did not include a warm up. Also, the advice for constipation didn’t have any ‘twist’ poses. Many yoga teachers recommend twists for supporting your bowels. The poses for long travel also surprised me, no ‘legs up the wall’ pose was recommended. I guess that is not a ‘basic’ pose. Note that a down dog pose was recommended for menstruation and many teachers advise against inversions…down dog is an inversion. I was a bit offended by the implication that ‘menstruation’ and ‘pregnancy’ was on the list of ailments/conditions and needs to be ‘cured’. Maybe this was an oversite on the part of the author or lost in translation.
Bridge- good yoga pose for those with Asthma, see page 62 of Curing Yoga for more.
In order to do a true evaluation of the book, one would need to do the postures and see if it indeed healed. I am unable to do this, but I can say with confidence; this book contains good advice. I’ve read similar books authored by teachers who have been practicing and teaching yoga for decades- they all say similar things.
The consensus is: yoga does heal.
For a copy click here to go to Amazon
Love and Light,