BooBology: Take BREAST health into your own hands (First post BLOCKED)
Free DIY Numerology from Tricia Gunberg. Available April 1- May 1, 2018. Post include how to apply Numerology for tots, teens and adults.
Say YES to who you are to create magic! Using Reiki, Numerology and Intuitive abilities for personal and spiritual growth, this blog page by Tricia Gungerg will help you on your self-actualization journey. Helping you find clarity and direction while building self-confidence.
Body-Mind connections with numerology and wellness also included. *New #breasthealth information on blog starting October, 2024. Please join the conversation.
Free DIY Numerology from Tricia Gunberg. Available April 1- May 1, 2018. Post include how to apply Numerology for tots, teens and adults.
What can you use your Life Path Number for? Scroll down to ***** UPDATE ***** for part 2
Universal Year energy of 2025 with Tricia Gunberg
Review the energy of 2023 and 2024. Did you sense the 7 energy of '23 or the manifesting energy of '24? What will the Universal Energy of 2025 be?
2025 carries the energy of the 9: INTEGRITY and WISDOM. Which of the attributes resonates with you? What do you feel and sense?
Meditate on:
-things that need to come to a conclusion, be finished or ended.
-humanitarian projects (personally and your *business)
Other energies:
Mars and Mercury will be in retrograde into February. *Reflection at the beginning of 2025 is a good use of time being that both action and communication will be stalled. Thus the guidance to meditate on the attributes of the 9.
Age of Aquarius: 2000+ years of Peace, Love, Joy Harmony, Humanity, Spiritual Liberation & Respect for all people.
Golden Age of Connection: 2020-2029 - 20/20 is clear vision! The repeated 2's= love
Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2044 Purification, Deconstruction, Revolution
Jupiter in Gemini: until June 9, 2025- Connection to community, Speak your truth, Partnerships, Refresh your brand*, Intuitive Powers
Overarching energies of 2025, Numerology and Astrology of 2025 with Tricia Gunberg
Find the all the attributes of the 9 on page 24 & 25 of "Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness" If you are in a Personal Year 9 or it is in your Life Path, pay close attention to lessons the number nine is supporting you with at this time. Look at your Life Cycles, Pinnacles and Spiritual Laws relating to your Life Path for guidance.
****** UPDATE ******
For a more personal approach, use your Personal Year number and consider the attributes of your Life Path.
********* “What can I use my Life Path for?”
I was recently asked this question and aside from learning and working with the attributes of your Life Path on a regular basis, a good use of knowing your Life Path would be to know the current Universal Year Energy to:
#1 Work with the energies available that are reflected in your Life Path. For example, if you are a Life Path 37/10 the issues of truth the 7 holds and the integrity that the 9 holds is a similar energy. A person with a 2 in their Life Path would consider connection to care taking issues of the 2 and the humanitarian issues of the 9. Use the energy available to your advantage. If it is not clear which of your attributes challenge you or you don’t know what questions to ask yourself, get a reading from a Numerologist.
My example of my Personal Year 2 and manifesting co-creating opportunities is an example of how the two numbers give you guidance. In years past I had waisted much energy on trying to create partnership when I could have waited for the energy to flow! I have had so many partnerships, opportunities and so many more yeses in 2024. My birthday not being until August, I will keep my eyes open for more co-creating. ******Another update: As I reminded myself about this, two co-creating opportunities have come up!
As I look forward to 2025 being the creative 3 energy that reflects/repeats my Life Path energy, the excitement is real. March of 2025 will be a 3 Universal Month and I will start my daydreaming as to how this creative energy will be a primary focus in 2025... I will not wait for August! April 2025, being a 4 Universal Month will be prime to make a plan... dare I say, build a BIGGER foundation under my creative endeavors! (Note: I have been pushing on some creative endeavors recently and have gotten sooo many, too many "No's". Yet another reminder to be in the flow with the numbers!)
To schedule a session, click here.
To decode your Personal Year, click here.
*Check out The Mystical CEO to help with Business planning using numerology.
Love and Light,
Tricia Gunberg using the symbols of the Crow, Raven, 555 to Illuminate guidance for the next 12 months.
What energy are you working with in 2025 and what is the significance of your Personal Year and your Life Path? Are you ready to THRIVE in 2025? This is a great place to start.
LIVE EVENT - Energy of 2025 - Purchase your mini reading here and I will see you on Saturday, February 9 1329 Spring Street Paso Robels at Dharma Yoga Loft and Wellness Lounge.
Open House at Dharma Yoga Loft
Get your Personal Year & Life Path number calculated before the event and come join the discussion on Saturday, February 8 at Dharma Yoga Loft.
You need not be present at the event to get your reading. We can schedule a 15 minute call to get Clarity and Direction to help you Thrive in 2025!
Tricia Gunberg using the symbols of the Crow, Raven, 555 to Illuminate guidance for the next 12 months.
Love and Light,
Universal Year energy of 2025 with Tricia Gunberg
Review the energy of 2023 and 2024. Did you sense the 7 energy of '23 or the manifesting energy of '24? What will the Universal Energy of 2025 be?
2025 carries the energy of the 9: INTEGRITY and WISDOM. Which of the attributes resonates with you? What do you feel and sense?
Meditate on:
-things that need to come to a conclusion, be finished or ended.
-humanitarian projects (personally and your *business)
Other energies:
Mars and Mercury will be in retrograde into February. *Reflection at the beginning of 2025 is a good use of time being that both action and communication will be stalled. Thus the guidance to meditate on the attributes of the 9.
Age of Aquarius: 2000+ years of Peace, Love, Joy Harmony, Humanity, Spiritual Liberation & Respect for all people.
Golden Age of Connection: 2020-2029 - 20/20 is clear vision! The repeated 2's= love
Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2044 Purification, Deconstruction, Revolution
Jupiter in Gemini: until June 9, 2025- Connection to community, Speak your truth, Partnerships, Refresh your brand*, Intuitive Powers
Overarching energies of 2025, Numerology and Astrology of 2025 with Tricia Gunberg
Find the all the attributes of the 9 on page 24 & 25 of "Say YES to Who You Are to Create Fitness" If you are in a Personal Year 9 or it is in your Life Path, pay close attention to lessons the number nine is supporting you with at this time. Look at your Life Cycles, Pinnacles and Spiritual Laws relating to your Life Path for guidance.
For a more personal approach, use your Personal Year number and consider the attributes of your Life Path. My example of my Personal Year 2 and manifesting co-creating opportunities is an example of how the two numbers give you guidance. In years past I had waisted much energy on trying to create partnership when I could have waited for the energy to flow! I have had so many partnerships, opportunities and so many more yeses in 2024. My birthday not being until August, I will keep my eyes open for more co-creating.
As I look forward to 2025 being the creative 3 energy that reflects/repeats my Life Path energy, the excitement is real. March of 2025 will be a 3 Universal Month and I will start my daydreaming as to how this creative energy will be a primary focus in 2025... I will not wait for August! April 2025, being a 4 Universal Month will be prime to make a plan... dare I say, build a BIGGER foundation under my creative endeavors! (Note: I have been pushing on some creative endeavors recently and have gotten sooo many, too many "No's". Yet another reminder to be in the flow with the numbers!
To schedule a session, click here.
To decode your Personal Year, click here.
*Check out The Mystical CEO to help with Business planning using numerology.
Love and Light,
Tricia Gunberg using the symbols of the Crow, Raven, 555 to Illuminate guidance for the next 12 months.
What energy are you working with in 2025 and what is the significance of your Personal Year and your Life Path? Are you ready to THRIVE in 2025? This is a great place to start.
LIVE EVENT - Energy of 2025 - Purchase your mini reading here and I will see you on Saturday, February 9 1329 Spring Street Paso Robels at Dharma Yoga Loft and Wellness Lounge.