Wellness Wednesday at The Wellness Lounge

Special Offers at The Wellness Lounge

The practitioners at The Wellness Lounge are committed to keeping services and treatments affordable.

Each Wednesday offers a variety of options. For up-to-date schedule, follow us on Instagram or Facebook

Making wellness affordable, is our mission.
— Jena Baird

Services are by donation on Wednesdays and I will offer the following Reiki package:

Reiki- 5 sessions for $200
Sale Price: $200.00 Original Price: $312.00

One 40 minute session with a Byosen Scan and interpretation and four 20 minute follow up Reiki Healing Sessions over two-week period.

Stop by 1329 Soring Street on a Wednesday, 11am-1 or 5pm-8
For a schedule of the practitioners, please send me an email or DM me at my Instagram page.

Love and Light,


What's New and Energy of 2023 with Tricia Gunberg

While the Universal Energy of 2023 is a 7, which provides us the energies to go with-in, be quiet and introspective, I’ve been caught up in the energy of newness!

Lots of new things going on in this neck of the woods. Stands to reason because I am midway through my 1 Personal Year.

The most exciting… what what can be more exciting then becoming a grandmother for the first time? That happened March of 2022….. that is hard to beat. However, in my professional life I have been invited to be part of a Wellness Center in Paso Robles, CA

For me, spirituality and wellness are profoundly connected, especially where my mental health is concerned. As we head into the Age of Aquarius, having a deeper connection to source (whatever you call it) will help.

Usher in a space to be introspective…. (as I said, Universal Energy of 2023 is a 7 and we need to connect to or creator and our higher self.)

Beyond exciting, one of my NEW business opportunities also provides a space to be introspective! The Wellness Lounge, as it is called, has twelve practitioners and over 30 services. I am one of the practitioners but the space its self is a great space to hang out and get the quiet time I need.

Dharma Yoga Loft expanded its space and offers retail wellness items, a book nook and a crazy comfy place to meditate. All this and a place to get affordable wellness services. You can read more about it here.

On Wednesdays we gather (practitioners) at the Lounge and offer introductory services to anyone who’d like to experience a new wellness approach.

I can contribute most of my Spiritual progress to Numerology so it is easy for me to say that it has contributed to my personal wellness journey. Being able to explain this to others face to face has been invigorating!

During one of the first readings I offered at the Wellness Wednesday gathering, I suggested to a new client that she write and find an outlet for her writing. She smiled at me, this Life Path 3. “Oh, yes writing, I love to write …..” .The rest of the session went well and she sent me this lovely POEM a few days later!!!!

For it is those

For it is those who breathe into the oneness of silence that can listen to the whispers of the souls messages…

The Goddess Within

She illuminates the room with her presents alone…

She receives smiles and feels their connection along the streets and wherever she goes..

She shares herself without giving away her power..


She is connected to the Holy Spirit, to her soul, to her goddess within, to God.

Like a tree

She becomes grounded by sinking herself into the deep roots of mother Earth and anchoring herself within the energy of solid ground.

As she becomes steady she releases…

It is then the divine oneness starts to unfold within her


The way to become more is through the practice of connecting to your higher self… For that is where the powerful silence of the soul hold space for you… To grow and expand


It would be so awesome if you could meet me in person at the Wellness Lounge, but if not, know that I am still here for you even though I have gotten a little bit busier.

I’ll be making a new intro video but in the meantime, take a look a the one below. I have been posting more regularly on Instagram so check me out gunberg_tricia at IG if you haven’t yet.

Hope you are able to get to know yourself better this year and get extra quiet time and self care in - you are worth it!

Intuitive Healer and Author, Tricia Gunberg

Hello! As I get further into saying yes to who I am I like to share where I am on my journey. Struggles with weight and depression sent me on this journey over a decade ago. Numerology has been mostly responsible for my successes and has kept me on the spiritual path.

Say YES Numerology - FULL CHART-
Sale Price: $800.00 Original Price: $1,025.00

Love and Light,


Are You on This Earth to Heal Others?

No matter where you are on the age spectrum, you could be wondering what your life purpose is or you could be wondering if it includes healing.

I believe we all have the responsibility to be of service….. in what way is completely different for all of us. A person could enjoy making a living by administrating colonics and another could be good with picking up your curb side trash. Both are being of service to you by helping you get rid of waste …. personally would not want either of those jobs.

So, if you think being of service to humanity in the healing capacity, read on.

The life path numbers which are most included to this healing business are the 2’s and Master Life Path number 33. The 7 Life Path is of the spiritual nature and could be included as well.

The life path 33 is an interesting one. So creative. So sensitive. This path needs escape, this could be the reason for many wrong choices or indulging in things that do not serve. It is to escape the swirling desire inside. This desire could be to heal others or themselves. Those that indulge in creative pursuits will have an Reiki Intuitive Readings time of it. Those who avoid feelings will have a tougher time of it.

So how do you know if you should indeed go down the path of the healer? Understand that no decisions need to made at present. By experiencing things and understanding how you feel about them is the way.

The way of the life path 33 is that of the Master Healer. Shall they all set up shop as a reiki master? Well, no and yes. It might serve them to have an attunment and flow the healing energy to themselves, thus uplifting humanity. The ritual of a healing modality would serve them as well.

As I have told several Life Paths 33’s - they heal just by showing up. This sounds simple, almost brainless… however there is a lot about ‘showing up’ that is implied here. First they must show of for themselves. Offering all the basic needs; sleep, rest, low stress, fitness, meditation.

The simple act of showing up for themselves will be of great value. BUT it might not be so easy. The three energy is sensitive, maybe more so then the ‘feeling’ sensitive of the twos. This raging river of sensitivity is hard to manage. Find support if you need support.

Directory to find healers in your area:

Dharma Yoga Loft and Wellness Center practitioner list

Mind Body Spirit

Love and Light, Tricia

AstroNumerology..... How can you use your charts?

My Life Path number 37/10 found spray painted on a construction screen!

I was recently asked on Quora about how to use your chart. Whether it is a Numerology chart or an Astrology chart, this is a really good question. I currently post charts and interpretations of them on Instagram.

I believe all these metaphysical tools are to help us become the best versions of ourselves and it starts with simply saying YES to who you are! Oh and ya gatta be open to doing the work. Here is the most recent example… as the #fullmooninaries begins as I type, this ‘self’ awareness is sooooo good!

Hey Baby what’s your Life Path?

My healthy escape is waking and yesterday (Oct7) I really needed it. I added meditation/mindfulness to my outing because I was feeling a bit stressed.

First I made a list of what I ‘know’:
~I’m gunna have to let somethings go this year [ #9personalyearcycle
~I must stay inline with my uniqueness [ #lifepath1 ]
~Heads up on ‘Wounded Healer’ energy. [This makes me a bit apprehensive].


Numerology & Astrology Carts

Astrology chart from Abbie Coe

As I crossed the street, I came in DIRECT contact with a spray painted sign ….

“ 3710 “

I shit you not, I took a pic cuz I was so surprised at this clear and direct message. I had gotten 4 repeated numbers (see snap shot above) this day which gave me even more clarity because the 1 and 3 was #repeadednumbers .

….#danmillman … on #lifepath3710

“..here to work through issues of creativity while learning to trust the wise and beautiful spirit in themselves and others, and apply their inner gifts to create more harmony in the world.”

Next I considered the current energies:

#fullmooninaries which
guides me to be….a

I really appreciate this guidance from numbers and the planets , not to mention my intuition! (help with following your intuition here ) it keeps me grounded and sane. If you’re interested in a Astronumerology chart for guidance or your complete Numerology check out my services page.
Love and Light and…
Special thanks to @abbiecoeastro for my Astrology chart and notes on #aries because as a Life Path 1, I need to embrace:
my ‘warrior’ ,
my ‘pioneer’ and
my ‘daredevil’ spirit

I am a MINDFUL Warrior


Click on the Numerology chart here for a FREE DIY numerology workbook.

DIY! Calculate the energy of any word.

Love and Light,
