October Energy 2021, using Numerology and Astrology to guide us

Using Astrology and Numerology the energy feeling I received for this October, 2021 was Harvest. Are you ready to Harvest?

Harvest October 2021.PNG

Here is the message for October. Comment below or contact me directly if you need support.

October Energy 2021

Love and Light,

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September Energy 2021 - Universal Year and Universal Month #5energy; FREEDOM is calling

The Universal Year energy is a 5 and the Universal Month is a 5. The five is the most dramatic of the numbers, representing CHANGE and FREEDOM.

If you need support with changes that you could make or soul work based on your Numerology please watch August Energy here DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA

AUGUST 2021 Energy Reading and Spiritual Laws

Our biggest umbrella of energy is the Age of Aquarius…. bring harmony to the world.

Approximately for the last 2,150 we have been in the Piscean Age. (no agreement on the exact year, maybe 2012?) This energy of lower form of consciousness and of separation and functioning in the mind. ( PIVOT! Boy have we been seeing this and feeling this… ! )

The Age of Aquarius is unity consciousness and is functioning in the heart. ( I am so frickin’ ready for this!)

Doesn’t that sound wonderful? Heart based living and harmony.

Ho’o ponopono teaches us that we must see/find harmony in ourselves first.

Let’s let the stars and numbers guide us!

August has the Universal Month Energy of the number 4. We have 6 planets in retrograde. What does this mean? I’ve looked at the energy, here is the guidance:

Here is a little bit on the Planets in retrograde and a worksheet I created to help you discover which Spiritual Law applies to you :

Spiritual Laws vin diagram Tricia Gunberg 2021 retrograde planets and life path.PNG

Here is the video to show you how to discover your soul growth opportunity and Spiritual Laws:

If you would like to know the soul work needed according to your personal numerology, attend our Thoughtful Thursday, August 19 in person or via Zoom. You can also book a reading by selecting a tab below. (You can get a FREE reading with 26 week sign up or FREE meditation with Wellness Reading package) We can also discuss which of your Spiritual Laws are linked to your chart and the planets in retrograde. DIY with above worksheet) . This gives you a chance to work with me for over a years time… soul work=soul growth and it takes time.

Say YES Numerology - FULL CHART-
Sale Price: $800.00 Original Price: $1,025.00

Love and Light,
