Daily Energy Reading using Universal YEAR Energy -5 ENERGY-
Universal Year Energy of 2021 is 5 CHANGE …and FREEDOM!
If you are reading this in 2021, it is a Universal YEAR Energy of the number 5-
. Believe it or not, 2021 will bring more change.
When we add all the digits of 2021, we get a five.
The #fiveenergy is about
Do you see how ‘lack of freedom’ is restriction? ...so change is freedom
I’ve seen the results of restriction in my clients, both physical and mental.
It’s not pretty.
Whether it’s the inability to touch your toes or your refusal to learn computer skills, our inability to be flexible can really do a number on us down the road.
So, I ask ..... ❓Which comes first, physical flexibility or mental ❓
I guarantee that if you have a BODY part that is stiff, there is an area of your life that is stiff too. Your body gives you lots of clues, always!
If you resist change, this year could be more difficult then it needs to be. See below for my advice based on your life path or health and wellness path number.
Oh! attend my workshop on 2/13 and we can answer this together if you’d like. Click here for “ Love: YOU Body-Mind Connection “ workshop via ZOOM through Cuesta.edu link
May you embrace change💋til next time, I gatta split 😆
🔮GUIDANCE🔮 Send me an email if you are a #lifepath 4 and I will send you this FREE
#lifepath1 - your ego gets in the way of the change you need to make. Stop giving a shit what people think and think for yourself. Meditation WILL help you!
#lifepath2 - Your needs ARE really important right now. ☕️Filling your own cup has never been more important.
#lifepath3 - you’re gunna be fine unless you let yourself get distracted. Use your creativity to discover solutions to seemingly impossible problems.
#lifepath4 - Ya gatta leave wiggle room in your schedule, ya just gatta.
Your ‘Health and Wellness Path Number’ is the compound digit you get when you and all the digits of your birthday - AND the single digit after you add those.
EXAMPLE: DOB 8/4/1969
Is a 37/10 ...... so this #lifepath10 ........ needs to read the #lifepathguidance for one or three to see which resonates the most.
Please, feel free to use my book to discover your numerology and for the attributes of the numbers 1-9