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Daily Energy Reading using Universal Day Energy -1 ENERGY- Feb 11 #creativity

If you are reading this on February 12, 2021, it is a Universal Day Energy of the number 1. It is derived the same way as your life path number, by adding all the digits of the date down to a single digit.

The energy of the number 1 is uniqueness and leadership. If you are a Life Path 1, do you use the energy of the number 1 to your advantage? Do you understand how UNIQUENESS plays a roll and how being a leader in MANY areas of you life is how you get things done?

If you happen to be a Life Path 37/10 click here for a FREE sample reading.

In the video, I mention the kids numerology I have created. Here is the beginning of the article, ‘K is for Kids’;

Using Numerology to support kids and parents


When an eleven-year-old smiled and hugged me after I told her what her super powers were, I was hooked. Numerology has a way of explaining yourself to yourself, which makes you smile on the inside and the outside. This is a blessing to everyone whom I have shared Numerology. Not only has it helped me write a book and create so much, it has helped me develop many important relationships. The most important one being the one with myself.

I often visualize myself being given this information when I was a kid. Would I have believed it? Would I think the adults around me were nuts if they told me I was going to be an author when my report card said ‘C’ in English? Or if my teacher Mr. Bode told me the Persuasive Speaking class was just a drop in the bucket?  

No matter, even though I might have made a few different choices back then, I now realize how important telling people, all people, special things about themselves they may not ‘know’. Especially kids. Remember the famous “Blue Eyed Experiment” by teacher Jan Elliott? Yes, it was a social experiment on racism but, more importantly it showed kids will act based on how you treat them. Treat them like they are intelligent creatures that are kind and loving and they will be intelligent, kind and loving.  A more up to date example is the’ rice experiment’. First demonstrated by Dr. Emoto, using rice as the receiver, proved that the energy of your words can create a hostile environment.

You can read the rest of the article here. K is for Kids.

If you’d like to create numerology for kids workbooks, please reach out.

Watch the video below for tips and tricks on using this power numerology!

 Please, feel free to use my book to discover your numerology and for the attributes of the numbers 1-9

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