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SYNCHRONICITY, Synchronicity, synchronicity, ......


Confused about this months message, I went to look for more information on signs, symbols and basically synchronicity. I know synchronicity is at work in my life and I need reminders of my intuitive abilities at times. I turned to Mindful Living Spiritual Awakening podcast to get some perspective from Dr. Marijo Puelo. She calms me and makes me feel 'normal' or makes my weirdness acceptable. I love to quote her: "When you change on the inside, everything on the outside changes." 

You'll never guess the name of her show this week. Yep, synchronicity. I am halfway through the show feeling better and now going to mention her show in my post because she describes synchronicity so eloquently, other people need to hear it. Marijo mentions Doreen Virtue and another doctor. She has a third example of synchronicity. You're not going to believe this...... Her third example of synchronicity is a Numerology reading she had done by.........

..........go to the the podcast to find out who her 3rd example is

I glance down to rewind, tears in my eyes from the gratitude and the timing, I rewind and see the minute mark so I can tell others where to look....44:44, or just a bit after. Did I mention this happened today- 4/4 and she mentioned Doreen Virtue who uses 444?

Blowing synchronicity out of the water. Please listen to her show if you have intuitive abilities or your science mind is on the fence with all of it.

Love and Light,

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