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Daily Energy Reading using Universal Day Energy -7 ENERGY-

If you are reading this on January 28, 2021, it is a Universal Day Energy of the number 7. It is derived the same way as your life path number, by adding all the digits of the date down to a single digit.

Seven has the honor of being the most spiritual of the numbers. Here is a bit more about the 7 from my article ‘C is for Choice’. Click here for the full article.

Step 2
Turn off and remove distractions

For the most part ‘multi-tasking’ is bullshit. It is an excuse to not be fully present. Did you see the video where the dad is ‘watching’ his son at the park? The dad is on his phone while some stranger kidnaps his son. This is your brain while multi-tasking: one of your projects is getting kidnapped. When your energy is not fully concentrating on what you are doing, you are sending out split energy, basically saying; “This is not important.” If it is not important, do not do it. If it is important, if you have integrity and you want jobs done to the best of your ability, turn off all distractions to attend to your task fully until it is complete.

Again, we go back to the Law of Choice. What will you choose? Turning off the distractions or using the distractions as an excuse to not get things done?

If you have a 3 in your Life Path, this will be especially difficult for you. Because your mind is so creative, it will be hard for you to see this tendency in yourself. If you also have a 7 in your Life Path, you’ll also be good at telling yourself little fibs to disguise this propensity in yourself.

Numerology of the number 7 "honesty"

Watch the video below for tips and tricks on using this power numerology!

 Please, feel free to use my book to discover your numerology and for the attributes of the numbers 1-9

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