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Daily Energy Reading using Universal Day Energy -9 ENERGY-

If you are reading this on February 2- happy Groundhog Day!

It s a Universal Day Energy of the number 9. It is derived the same way as your life path number, by adding all the digits of the date down to a single digit.

The Humanitarian Energy of the nine is so needed right now! Are you a life path nine? Here is a mini reading on a Life Path 9. Click here for the full blog post.

Q and A Saturday: Question from Quora ~ What does my Numerology Predict?

What can numerology predict anything for this birth date? August 24, 1969, I predict you are going to read this and Say YES to who you are 😉!

Welcome to the best decade of your life😁. I am 20 days older then you so you need to listen to your elders! Bahaha! When I add all the digits of your birthday I get a 39. We add it again to get a 12 and once more to get a 3. Your Health and Wellness Path Number is: 39/12/3. For more on Life Path numbers go to my blog post L is for Life Path.

(Month) + (Day) + (Year) = _____

 ( ___ +___ ) + ( ___ +___ ) +  ( ___ +___ +  ___ +___ )    =  ___

  ____ + ___ = ____

As a 39/12/3 Life Path- I hope you have experienced your creative expression (3) and found some way to be ‘on the stage or on the page’. Your humanitarian (9) efforts have found some place in your life by now.

The 9 repeats in your Personal Year number; this year (2020) is about letting go which will make room for new exciting things next year. To discover your personal year go to my blog page P is for Personal Year.

39/12/3 Health and Wellness*Life Path

You have three 3’s….oh goodness, and a 1! If you’re not expressing all of this creative energy, you’re in trouble. This energy stuck in the body (Where the hell is it going to go if you’re not using it?) causes havoc. Often it’s trapped in the hips, causing misalignment in your knees and back. Stretching your hips and loving on them with massage is mandatory. Here is a bit more:

3 Health and Wellness Path

Expressive movement suits you best, like Zumba or interpretive dance. Find inspiring energetic music or write your own. Chose music to mirror your current feelings and move with it. Consider teaching, leading or creating a fitness class. Your creativity and enthusiasm alone make you qualified for such an endeavor. A few places you can shine: MeetUp.com, Baby and Me fitness club, or neighborhood park. Share the price of a babysitter with a group of friends and workout at the park.

Watch the video below for tips and tricks on using this power numerology!

 Please, feel free to use my book to discover your numerology and for the attributes of the numbers 1-9

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