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Daily Reading using Universal Day Energy -8 ENERGY- #Hooponopono

The 8 energy is very much Ho ‘oponopono

If you are reading this on February 10, 2021, it is a Universal Day Energy of the number 8 It is derived the same way as your life path number, by adding all the digits of the date down to a single digit.

Here are more dates with the 8 energy, mark them on your calendar and use their energy to get your taxes started.

2/10 2/19 2/28

If you would like me to create a powerful “To-Do” calendar based on your Personal Day Numbers, Universal Day numbers and your business numerology, book a reading with me. Send me a message or reply in comments. #boosbabes #entrepreneures click here. Sharing your email gets you 20% in February.

Here is a sample of the personalized and highly energized calendar I can create for you: Click here to check out how the calendar is used, with one of my successful clients Yuki.

Watch the video below for tips and tricks on using this power numerology!

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